Welcome to my Blog

Being Called To Blog

        Have you ever felt like you were called to do something? Has there ever been a tugging at your heart for a life of adventure and excitement outside of your normal everyday sphere? Well when I was a senior in high school, I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life. That was until I experienced a revelation that has forever changed me, one I made for myself not because others told me to do it and one that will create the adventure of a life time. This blog is a reflection of that decision I made and a ticket to the wild ride that is ahead. For the reader it will be an insight into my life but for me it will be getting to share my passion and a story that will forever change me and my perspective of the world. You see I thought I was in chains stuck having to do what society and others told me I had to do but as you’ll read that was never the case and when I learned that fact I flew to a higher and more fulfilled life that I never would have thought could happen. Are you ready to learn what has profoundly changed my life and hop aboard to experience the world with me? Trust me, you will never regret it.

     When I was a senior in High school, I was a lot like the other seniors, I looked forward to graduation and couldn’t wait to grab life by the reins and see what it had in store for me. However, when the time came and went, everybody graduated and went off to their different colleges I was left feeling out of place. Like any senior I figured I would start out at college as it seemed like a natural decision because everybody else was doing it. Yet I spent less than a semester in college when I ended up making the biggest decision in my life. You see I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do in my life until when I got back into the education system in college, I got super depressed. I couldn’t see myself doing the same thing for weeks on end, four years in a row, let alone a semester. The reading, monotone teachers, and Covid factor that hung over everybody in 2020 left me extremely dissatisfied and worrying I would be stuck in that miserable state till death do I part. This is when I made that big life decision I hinted at. It was almost like a divine revelation that I fear if wasn’t revealed to me at the right time I would continue to be stuck in a depressing life that isn’t mine. The first step in the process and how I revealed my exciting news to others was when I told everybody I was selling all my stuff for a very important reason. I told them I felt a calling from my heart to a life of fulfillment and I had decided to take at least a year off to backpack around the world. Crazy? Can't do it? No way? These were some of the initial responses but I also got a lot of positive feedback, I've heard it all. But regardless of the feedback I realized and stuck true to the fact that in life it's the moments where we are happier for the thing "I have done" than the things "I didn't do". After I broke the news the next step was to figure out how I was going to pay for it, sustain myself on the road, and where I was going to go. So, I got researching. That’s where the blog and all my content creation stuff started. Since then I have been researching, travelling, and working on my skills as a freelancer but more importantly living a life that is a lot more fulfilled and definitely worth the struggles I have gone through. So that’s my life story and who I am but now I want to tell you more about the blog and how I plan to use it in sharing my story.

 As a traveler it is all too important to share our stories so that others can learn from them and we can express the love and joy we found along the way. For me telling that story means writing a blog, but this blog is just one of several platforms I have been using as a freelancer to support myself and travel while on the road. I have always loved writing so a blog for me is a fun and easy way to share my story, but your method of storytelling or more appropriately listening could be different than mine. That’s why I decided to created several platforms depending on how people want to listen. I want everybody to have an equal opportunity in hearing my story and enjoy the method they are learning it from. Like I said the blog is just another method to sharing my story with others and hopefully inspiring those who want to do something similar. Most of the time the articles will probably be around 1500 words and plan to share different experiences I have while trying to live a life of travel. I will share lessons I have learned along the way, platforms you can use to help you on your journey, interviews with fellow travelers, and some of my favorite destinations along the way. My goal would be to get one article out a week but depending on where I am and how busy my schedule gets this could always change. Later down the road I would also like to link this blog with a website where you can find all my freelancing work in one place but for now, I’ll just share links. Once I get some more writing time in, I am even considering writing a book that shows my journey around the world from beginning to end with no interruption. If there is anything else you guys think I should do with this blog please reach out to me on social media as I make this blog for its followers and what they want to read. The next few articles leading up to my journey around the world will be about how I am preparing for my trip, what platforms I am using, stuff I am packing, people I am reaching out to, and thoughts on how I am going about the research process. What I think some people neglect when they travel is the before and after process to the trip but really these two are just as important as going on the trip itself. The before process for me especially since I haven’t started my trip yet and don’t know what to expect could drastically change the blog and my plans for travel depending on various circumstances. As far as the after process once I know for sure I’m going to be able to do this trip I think the after process will be just as important as the before. The trip I am about to embark on will most definitely be life changing and it’s important to express those lessons learned so you don’t forget them and so others can learn from them as well.

 In conclusion, I hope the life decision I have made and the blog I am going to be writing will stand as a source of inspiration for those who are also looking for fulfillment in their lives. I’m choosing this blog to share my life story with you because I found myself trapped in what society told me I had to do and I don’t want that same depression I found to fall on others. Even if you don’t want to travel the world read my blog as a source of inspiration to go against the societal norms and choose your own path in life that is full of those happy "I have done" moments. Yes, this blog will mainly be about travel and my own experiences along the way but above all I seek for you to find and choose fulfillment as I have done for your lives. The next article will be about how I am doing what I nickname “travel experiments” or ways I am simulating what it will be like for me on the road and the first one I did in St. Louis, Missouri. Until then follow your dreams and I’ll see you in the next one. Carpe Diem.



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